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rice pudding – a traditional Slovak treat

rice pudding – a traditional Slovak treat

Rice pudding, this is a food that I love very much, I like it a little drier and harder and let me cover it properly with compote juice. The best part of rice pudding is definitely a little more baked edges, God, how much I adore them, feel free to eat the middle … the edges are mine. Today we will look at some of the recipes, thanks to which you can enjoy this perfection with me.


  • 190g of rice
  • 350g compote you like (I love tangerines)
  • 1/2 L of milk
  • 75g of butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 50g powdered sugar
  • 20g semolina sugar
  • pinch of salt


  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly and drain. Add salt and cook gently over low heat. Drain (and cut if neccesary) the selected fruit. Store the juice from the compote.
  2. Prepare the milk in a pot, place it on a low heat, salt it and put the rice in the milk while it is still cold, cook it gently and then let it cool.
  3. Mix butter, egg yolks and powdered sugar together until the matter is frothed. Add cooked and chilled rice to this mass and mix. Whisk the egg whites with stiff snow, whisk 20 g of semolina sugar and slowly mix it with the rice.
  4. Grease the baking tin. Pour the first layer of rice into it, apply compote to the layer and repeat according to the desired number of layers.
  5. Bake the pudding in an oven preheated to 180 ̊C for about 40 minutes. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the finished pudding and each portion can be poured juice from the compote separately.
  6. Bon appetite <3

portions: 4

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