if u r wondering, where is this girl...

she just left, as she always does.

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Until we meet again – love beyond the grave

Until we meet again – love beyond the grave

Two boys who couldn’t be together in one life find each other again in another. Korn is a son of a mafia boss. His classmate Intouch has a big crush on him. Eventually, they form a romantic bond. In late-20th-century Thailand, however, homosexuality is frowned upon. Their parents are strongly against their relationship, forbidding the young men...

why is Looking for Alaska totally worth seeing

why is Looking for Alaska totally worth seeing

I am ashamed. I am really ashamed that I have only now watched these miniseries based on John Green’s novel – a novel that I rank among my favourites, a novel that accompanied my adolescence and spoke to me from the bottom of my heart. Already during the first episode, I cursed anyone who claimed...