if u r wondering, where is this girl...

she just left, as she always does.

Tag: loss

Home / loss


today your absence is alarming how can it be that one day you were here and the next one you weren’t today your friend stopped me on street and asked me about life she would know, i thought you were always gossiping with those old ladies competing and comparing your grandchildren she would know, i...

about loss pt. II

about loss pt. II

it’s been a few months since you disappeared since you vanished without a warning trying to fall asleep, i always pray for the morning because then and there i think so intensely i can hardly stand it the way you left is still rewinding in my mind how you went just like that, out of...

about loss – a poem for my grandmother

about loss – a poem for my grandmother

i think about you every day not knowing how to accept the fact that you’re gone that you will never hear any of the words i might like to say there’s no way to escape something is pressing me against the wall this, i don’t possess the knowledge how to fight you were always interested...